domingo, 9 de enero de 2011

My Friend Pocahontas

Pocanhontas brouhgt Stivo with her
A few days Leo (Pocahontas's husband) invite us to dinner..He cooked for us
It was yummy!

A few months ago a new girl arrived to my work, I baptized her as “Pocahontas” even thought her real name is Erika, I call her like that because they really look alike and also both have a similar story…

She is from Cincinnati, USA, and she moved out to our “not wonderful city” following the love of her life, her husband Leo. I really admire her because she left all her world (Family, friends, etc) and now she is starting a new season in this new world.

Pocahontas thanks for you friendship!!!!

May God bless you with great moments in this new land

We are very happy having you guys here!

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